Artworks were placed in the Scripps Institute research facility among the existing books, photos and objects..

Christopher James/Brian Wills/Kristin Beinner

Fritz Chestnut through passageway

Kristin Beinner

Alex Weinstein/Flora Weigmann

George Raggett and Institute reference books

Fritz Chestnut


Art among the working research facility


Loom, 2010, oil, acrylic and wax on cotton interface, 28” x 32”

Small Differences, 2010, oil and wax on cotton interface, 28” x 28”

Untitled, 2010, Enamel, rayon thread, and linear polyurethane on wood, 24”x48”

Untitled (swell model fragment), 2008, fiberglass, polyester resin, mdf, acrylic paint, Bondo, 11”x 1 ½”x 22”

Untitled (swell model), 2009, polyester resin, oil paint, 5 ½”x 5 ½” x 12”

Surf Set Sun Set, 2010, 4 minute video of dance performance (shot on film)
Music by Peter Howe and Tim Gaze

all access snail pass, 2008, un-pigmented plastic, lace, 2"x3"x1.5"

ASYMMETRICAL CHROMACHORD #12, 2009, oil on canvas on wood panel/signed and dated verso, 23"x20" system 1 (cad red deep/cad yellow light/cerulean blue/cobalt violet)

Born on a Time Machine: 2010, Acrylic on Canvas, 42" x 54"

surfboard, 2008, Fiberglass, polyurethane foam and resin, 74”x19”x3”