The first drawing exercise consisted of producing a rendering of the "fetish" while feeling it, though not being able to actually see it. These first samples are from Subject T.
The second drawing was made 'blind'; the subject was not able to see the drawing, yet was able to see the fetish.
The third drawing was produced in the duration of one breath hold. The directive was given after the subject had taken the breath.
The final drawing was a repeat of the third, however, this time the subject had an idea of how long she would be able to hold her breath.

This fetish felt like a handle. Or a spout, spigot, cock.
Here you have the same lines, but like a string of yarn pulled on and let drop.
Subject F uses multiple mark making techniques.
It seems as all the same marks have been re-employed, but now in a schizophrenic relationship.
Simple contour lines display a constricted and released orifice.
The contours are disjunctive when applied blind. Many Blind drawings were more interesting than their sighted counterparts.
The initial surprise breath hold drawings often appear child-like or unfinished.
Here, self-knowledge contributed to a slightly more elaborated pearl-in-shell rendering the second time around.

A topographic approach, desirous of a rational and complete description relies in this case heavily on the sense of vision...

without which there remains nothing but a hol.
Clearly the subject has anthropomorphized the fetish..
An alert bird, a closing eye.
A flight of fancy portrays the fetish out of relief.
but becomes more descriptive when deprived of breath in the first Apneic drawing. A pendulum.
rabbits fucking.

Something hard

becomes something flaccid, a pansy.


A fine rendering of a bon-bon. Or an ear bud, diaphramed at the membrane.

becomes a terrible accident-

A contour or borderline drawing that contains the fetish

is nearly repeated in the Blind drawing exercise. Now you have a wire carabiner that contains nothing but air.

What's this?


The Matterhorn in Anaheim
The Matterhorn in the Valais

Maidenhood colony on a foerrest floor

spores and worms

a glassmaker's jellyfish

distended into the face of a winking busker
A turban snail, a turbot

fiinally a loup, the diaphram again, an aperture inviting to look through - what do we see beyond ?

The first drawing exercise consisted of producing a rendering of the "fetish" while feeling it, though not being able to actually see it. These first samples are from Subject T.
The second drawing was made 'blind'; the subject was not able to see the drawing, yet was able to see the fetish.
The third drawing was produced in the duration of one breath hold. The directive was given after the subject had taken the breath.
The final drawing was a repeat of the third, however, this time the subject had an idea of how long she would be able to hold her breath.
This fetish felt like a handle. Or a spout, spigot, cock.
Here you have the same lines, but like a string of yarn pulled on and let drop.
Subject F uses multiple mark making techniques.
It seems as all the same marks have been re-employed, but now in a schizophrenic relationship.
Simple contour lines display a constricted and released orifice.
The contours are disjunctive when applied blind. Many Blind drawings were more interesting than their sighted counterparts.
The initial surprise breath hold drawings often appear child-like or unfinished.
Here, self-knowledge contributed to a slightly more elaborated pearl-in-shell rendering the second time around.
A topographic approach, desirous of a rational and complete description relies in this case heavily on the sense of vision...
without which there remains nothing but a hol.
Clearly the subject has anthropomorphized the fetish..
An alert bird, a closing eye.
A flight of fancy portrays the fetish out of relief.
but becomes more descriptive when deprived of breath in the first Apneic drawing. A pendulum.
rabbits fucking.
Something hard
becomes something flaccid, a pansy.
A fine rendering of a bon-bon. Or an ear bud, diaphramed at the membrane.
becomes a terrible accident-
A contour or borderline drawing that contains the fetish
is nearly repeated in the Blind drawing exercise. Now you have a wire carabiner that contains nothing but air.
What's this?
The Matterhorn in Anaheim
The Matterhorn in the Valais
Maidenhood colony on a foerrest floor
spores and worms
a glassmaker's jellyfish
distended into the face of a winking busker
A turban snail, a turbot
fiinally a loup, the diaphram again, an aperture inviting to look through - what do we see beyond ?